Saturday, September 26, 2015

Baby News and family growth

This weeks blog is all about babies and families. To me, family as always been a huge part of my life. I have two awesome parents and have 4 other siblings. Right now, it is just myself and my wife in our little personal family. Many people may say that I came from a large family, and to rest of the world, I do. The problem is that, to the rest of the world it is large. Just a short time ago, it seemed almost normal to have a family of that size. In my faith, there are family two times bigger. So many people would not believe that. Why? Well as a society, generally speaking, all have a concept that families are important. But they find having one, two, even zero children is the way to go. It has become a huge burden for people to even consider having children. Why? Well over the past many years, thing have distracted us from family and having children. Many of these things did not intended for us to neglect this nor does it mean that we are to blame all of this on one event. We have become so involved with ourselves we fail to have a family, witch is about other. We want to do what is best for us and do what we feel is right, though in some cases I believe this statement has validity, we forget what happens to others with this decision. We want to get ahead, we do not need others holding us down. I say we cannot get ahead without others supporting us, and children do not hold us down but bring us up. Children brings motivation to be better and do our best. When you do all you can to ensure a good future for them, and to show them how to live a proper life, you do your best. Why do we have to be so selfish. Why cant we focus on what can bring us true happiness. Some of the happiness people I know happen to have large families. Not crazy big house, not a super fancy car, and not focusing on the next tower to push over. 
Some of the fact are, the world birthrate, (witch birthrate means number children a mother has in her life time) has fallen below the amount needed to sustain population growth. The USA is the only one to have a birthrate above that is needed for population growth, but barely. So, a few questions may come from this, why does the population need to grow? If the USA is on top, why do I need to have kids anyway? What does this all mean to me? Well to start, if the birthrates keeps falling, by the time we need to retire, we cannot because there is not enough people working to support us to retire. Whole countries identities will fall because there will no longer be any more, lets say French because all pure blood Frenchman will be gone. China has experienced a problem with population. They set a standard on how many children the citizens are allowed to happen. Now they are facing economic fall. By tradition, they only wanted boys. Now, the ratio of boys to girls is unbalanced, so they cannot marry in their own country, so they leave. Why do you need to have kids? Because the birthrate of this country is up because people are moving into this country and having children. That is slowly going to stop because there will not be anyone to move in to help populate this country. We are not having kids so this nation will not be sustain. Each person needs to do something. The mindset of, "Oh other can do that, not me" cannot be because that is 2-3 children who need to come into your family can. There is no excuse not to have children. Now, I am not saying have 7 children, have as many as you feel is right. Know that the love you have for yourself is does not compare to the love you will have for your children. I believe that, no matter the facts, no matter the the pressure given by anyone, you have the power to choose and change what can happens for the future generations. 

(information was given by a documentary at the channel called The New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter. Please view to gain further information. )            

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