Thursday, December 10, 2015

Men and Women

Hey everyone! I am sorry it has been a while but the next few posts should be good. 

Today's theme is gender. Yes man and women, male and female, dad and mom, boyfriend and girlfriend, and boy and girl. I believe even before we came to this earth, we knew who we are going to become or the potential of who we can become. A large part of that is we know we are going to be male ore female. This a [art of who we are, how we think, and they way we act. This will not change when we past on, gender is part of us forever.
 *Note, some things I may say does not apply to special cases that the reader may know of. Each person has unique story and may differ from what I may say. 

In many cases, males and females are very different. Males can be more capable to do physical thing and making a clear decision when high emotions are involve. Females can be better at social setting, conversation, and emotional sensitivity. Even in small children, we can see major differences. A lot of these differences have been brush aside and labeled as sexual stereotyping, keeping things from being called boy toys and girl toys. I believe everyone has the opportunity to choose how and what they want to play with but forcing children to play with curtain toys is unfair for the kids. We are to protect and encourage the differences between a boy and  girl. 

We as a society want to merge the great differences between a male and female and become one mass whole. We need to embrace and unitize the differences we have. Males are more assertive and female can be more sensitive. Each of these traits are great thing we can use. There is better or worst gender. 

I am proud of being a man. I love talk about cars and guns, providing for my family, and taking out the trash. I think we need to understand what each gender is uniquely qualified to do.             

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