Friday, December 11, 2015


Parenting, a role for both the father and mother to raise their children to the best that they can be. Each possessing the unique qualities to rear each child to become who they are. Sometime the role of parent has to be on others due to circumstances. Either way, this is a very important role. A lot of how I am is because of my parents. To start, genetics. We are the DNA copies of our parents. Our hair, eyes, skin, and even our moods can be directly related back to our parents. More research has shown than some of our metal health comes from our parents. What is more amazing our tendency and feelings toward thing in our lives can come from our parents. Mood swing, depression, our way of thinking comes from more that the outside influence that our parents bring, it can come from that same idea of DNA. Along with that is the outside influence that the parents show. I enjoy guns, hunting, and movies because those are things my dad enjoys and communicating, not offending, and being more careful from my mother. They teach almost all of our first things in our life. Like words, colors, relationships, interactions, principles, politics, and the purpose of different thing in our life. As much as there are good things that are learned, bad habits can also be learned. Being rude, treating spouses wrong, anger and many other thing can be picked up our children. We provide for there first 18-21 years with everything they need, and may not, to function in society. Parents mold the future. A important concept to understand is that they understand everything we do. For good or bad, they take it in. 
If a child does not turn out they way we want or get into trouble, we need to also understand they are their own person. They make learn and inherit many things from us but they do become their own unique person, free to do what they will. We need to understand this while the child is growing up as well. Not just they are not going to be exactly like us, but different from the other children as well. We need to treat child as their own, but still being fair for each child. 

This is an amazing experience and a very hard one. Each new step we take into different moments in our life brings new challenges and trials. This being a long and hard one for each new child to come into our lives. They carry on our names and how we are in a way. Many people do not want children for they think they are more trouble than what is worth. They are wrong. Period. Children as hard as they could be are of great worth and blessing to the parents. I have done my best to make them proud of what I have done in my life. They are the example to me. We need to prepare before we have children to understand how and what we want for them. We need to conciser were we need to live to raise them properly and give them the best to grow. This really is what the human race was made to do. 

 The world is telling no when it comes to children. Well, that is what we will say went the world stops because no one is in it.      

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