Friday, December 11, 2015


The family and communication.

 A key part in a successful family is having good communication. Good, honest, respectful communication in a family can create trust, love, and understanding. We can manage small and large problems but learning to communicate. The base of this comes from three basic things.

 First is respect. We need to respect all the other person may say. Give them the full attention that they deserve, not interrupting, and hearing the whole side of the story. We also need say calm during this no matter the conversation. Second, this build trust between the too parties involved. To trust some mean that you are willing to tell them the truth and allow them to act in respect of you. If you trust them, then you can share anything with them and they maybe able to help find a answer. Third, to build trust is to give honest answers as well to their questions. We can understand the situation when the honest answer is given. All of these three thing combine in a conversation can create a good discretion and answers to unresolved problems.

This can given the family a great direction to grow. We as children can be rather afraid to approach the parents when they have done something wrong. We need to build the communication from the start. Good or bad, we need to have the communication built and open so other may feel free to talk about whatever they want to. The words of affirmation can go far. We really can understand one another and solve problems just from communicating the problem.    

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